Canadian Culture Check: A report on the state of workplace harassment in Canada

The report offers valuable insights into strategies to better address workplace harassment and violence

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    Over 60% of Canadian HR professionals believe workplace harassment is a growing issue that needs more attention. That’s a key finding in Traliant’s new comprehensive survey of 1,000 HR professionals across Canada.

    The survey also found that while most Canadian organizations are taking action to address the rise in workplace harassment, companies are putting themselves at risk for not fully addressing the legal requirements of harassment prevention, including:

    • Over half of organizations (52%) do not have clear or standardized harassment reporting processes
    • Over a quarter of organizations (28%) are not providing training at the frequency recommended by case law
    • 26% of organizations are not applying training to all employees at all levels
    • 28% of organizations report not having a comprehensive prevention policy that meets all legal requirements

    Download our free report, “Canadian Culture Check: A report on workplace harassment in Canada,” to learn about the current systems and processes in place for preventing workplace harassment and violence, how well organizations are addressing the government’s training mandates, and what HR professionals can do to create lasting, impactful change in company cultures.  

    The report reveals data on:

    • State of harassment prevention training in Canada
    • How workplace violence and harassment are addressed in tandem
    • Gaps in how training is being provided across organizations
    • How organizations lack comprehensive, up-to-date policies
    • Workplace harassment reporting and case resolution
    • Opportunities for strengthening anti-harassment programs

    The report offers valuable insights into strategies to better address workplace harassment and violence. By highlighting opportunities for improvement and laying out actionable steps for creating a positive, more inclusive working environment, the report is designed to help Canadian HR professionals safeguard employees and comply with regional and national regulations.