California SB 1343 Sexual Harassment Training
Organizations doing business in California must train all employees and supervisors on preventing sexual harassment.
Preventing Sexual Harassment in California
California Senate Bill 1343 requires that California employers with five or more employees provide interactive sexual harassment training and education to both supervisors and nonsupervisory staff by January 1, 2021. Employers who trained their employees in 2019 are not required to provide refresher training for two years.
This new law represents a big change to past requirements, which applied to California employers with 50 or more workers, and required they only train supervisors. Before the January 1, 2021 deadline, California organizations must provide:
- Supervisory employees with two hours of interactive sexual harassment training, and then every two years
- Nonsupervisory employees with one hour of interactive sexual harassment training, and then every two years
- Seasonal and temporary employees with one hour of training within 30 calendar days or 100 hours, if they work less than six months
- Additional training to employees who are promoted to supervisors. Training must take place within six months of supervisors starting their new positions.
SB 1343 Course Requirements
Traliant’s online training course, California Edition of Preventing Discrimination and Harassment, complies with all the training requirements under California’s new workplace laws, enforced by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). The web-based, interactive training is available in two versions: a one-hour (60 min.) course for employees, and a two-hour (120 min.) course for managers and supervisors.
This comprehensive course includes information and practical guidance on the federal and California state anti-harassment laws, and covers all the required topics and more, including sexual harassment and abusive conduct, preventing harassment based on gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation, discrimination, retaliation, bystander intervention, diversity and inclusion and workplace civility.
The California Edition of Preventing Discrimination and Harassment includes realistic video scenarios and interactive exercises designed to raise awareness of sexual harassment and the appropriate action to take when they experience, witness or learn of any form of workplace harassment, discrimination or workplace retaliation.
The course covers the following topics and more:
✓ Federal and California state anti-harassment laws
✓ Definitions and practical examples of sexual harassment and abusive conduct
✓ Practical examples of harassment based on gender identity, gender express and sexual orientation
✓ Discrimination
✓ Retaliation
✓ Bystander intervention
✓ Diversity and inclusion
✓ Creating an inclusive workplace culture
✓ Being an ally to underrepresented groups
✓ Workplace civility
✓ Social media as a form of discrimination and harassment
Did you know? This course can earn you up to 2 hours of PDCs towards your SHRM recertification.