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How employers can ensure compliance with new state transparency laws
February 5, 2025 | Mark Hudson
HR Morning ─ In a new article “The Future of HR Skills and Education,” Casey Heck, Senior Vice President of HR at Traliant, discusses the critical role modern Learning Management System (LMS) platforms play in online compliance training.
“A training program is not a one-size-fits-all strategy, and LMS platforms have advanced features like customization, interactivity, and virtual classrooms to fit all business needs and regulations,” said Heck.
Heck cites customization as a key factor in an effective LMS platform as it helps businesses modify courses as needed to stay in compliance, adding that laws vary across states and businesses need to be able to customize courses to fit specific audiences that fall under certain jurisdictions.
Pointing to the advancements in LMS technology, Heck said that modern platforms have evolved significantly to support interactive and virtual training that immerse employees in realistic workplace scenarios. She said robust LMS platforms can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and have smart technology that enables learners to pick up right where they left off, on any connect device.
Click here to read the full article.