Generational differences in retail workplace safety
Workplace safety
Combating workplace harassment remains a top priority of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which reported that charges alleging sexual harassment increased by 13.6% from fiscal year 2017 to fiscal year 2018. A snapshot of four recent EEOC settlements highlights the need for organizations to also make harassment prevention a priority and move the conversation […]
Combating workplace harassment remains a top priority of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which reported that charges alleging sexual harassment increased by 13.6% from fiscal year 2017 to fiscal year 2018. A snapshot of four recent EEOC settlements highlights the need for organizations to also make harassment prevention a priority and move the conversation from awareness to action through effective policies, procedures, training and a commitment by senior management.
EEOC settlements with restaurants
Settlement: In addition to the $80,000 monetary award, the restaurant owner and all employees must participate in anti-harassment training. In addition, the owner is required to develop and distribute a written anti-harassment policy and hire an independent third-party to operate a telephone hotline for employees to report incidents of discrimination and harassment.
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Settlement: In addition to paying $700,000 to a class of female employees, the management company will provide anti-harassment and civility training to management officials and eliminate a policy that required harassment complaints to be made to the corporate office in writing within 72 hours. This policy, the EEOC said, deters individuals from reporting incidents of harassment and removes the responsibility of local managers and supervisors to address misconduct when they become aware of it. The company is also required to establish an HR department, hire an outside monitor and create performance review standards for compliance with Title VII.
EEOC settlements with manufacturing/industrial companies
Settlement: In addition to the $70,000 in monetary relief, the company must take a number of steps to prevent future behavior that is unlawful under Title VII. These include conducting annual anti-discrimination training for all supervisors, managers and other employees, with an emphasis on harassment, revising policies and issuing a written statement to employees that communicates its commitment to preventing workplace harassment.
Settlement: In addition to the $675,000 settlement, both companies must create or revise policies prohibiting sex discrimination, including harassment and retaliation, and provide training to managers and workers, in both English and Spanish.
Traliant Insight
In a press release announcing one of the settlements, an EEOC director said, “Employers should remember that they are responsible for creating an environment free of harassment.” That responsibility includes a strong anti-harassment message and actions from management, policies that explain reporting procedures and protections from retaliation and training. In its task force on workplace harassment, the EEOC said that regular, interactive training that is tailored to the organization and its workforce is an essential step in effectively addressing and preventing workplace harassment. Together, these steps can go a long way in helping to move the #MeToo conversation from awareness to action.