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Black History Month should be more than a gesture on your company’s social media, but an opportunity for organizations to demonstrate their commitment to putting what we know to work—but how? Below is a list of resources we’ve compiled to help you get started.
Since 1976, every American president has designated February as Black History Month and endorses a specific theme. The 2025 Black History Month theme, “African Americans and Labor,” highlights the diverse and significant ways that work shapes the shared experiences of Black communities.
As we move beyond the pivotal moments the last few years have brought us, now more than ever employees are holding their companies accountable when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion—not just in February, but all year long. This serves as a reminder to continue to advance DEI work within our own organizations, serving as examples for our local, national and global communities.
Black History Month should be more than a gesture on your company’s social media, but an opportunity for organizations to demonstrate their commitment to putting what we know to work—but how? Below is a list of resources we’ve compiled to help you get started.
Black History Month is a great opportunity every year to center celebration and positivity in often heavy discussions of race and equity. Make the most of this opportunity by ensuring it advances your DEI strategy in the same way your DEI work does year-round.
This piece offers six ways to celebrate Black History Month in the workplace in a way that ties directly into your DEI programming. Author Thaly Germain says this is an opportunity to revisit your goals and “inject the resources into making them a priority.” Read the full piece.
There are plenty of resources throughout the Smithsonian’s website, both for personal learning or even to share with colleagues. Virtually, the offerings range from reading about, The 15 Year Battle for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, to their latest exhibition examining Black religious life through a selection of photographs. Explore the full museum here.
This resource specifically focuses on the origins of Black History Month while also explaining the annual theme in more detail. While History.com includes photo galleries and insight into civil rights pioneers, the majority of their information is surrounded by timelines and specific dates in order to fully understand the importance of celebrating Black History. Explore the full page.
Each year the ABA offers unique resources to celebrate Black History Month. This year, the list includes a 4 part webinar series with Black Lawyers in America, a 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge, and a panel discussion themed: “Women Fulfilling the Dream.” Explore the full list.