AntiBribery and AntiCorruption Training
We've made it easy to take your compliance training from boring to brilliant!
Each year businesses and individuals pay an estimated $1.5 trillion in bribes. Such corruption weakens economic growth, undermines development, destabilizes governments, threatens democracy and provides opportunities for criminals, terrorists and traffickers. For these reasons, governing bodies around the world take bribery and corruption very seriously and have implemented strict laws with harsh penalties.
Many different types of conduct, involving various areas of organizations, are covered by bribery and corruption laws. Employees who are unaware of regulations, or don’t recognize certain activities as improper, may end up violating the law, which can result not only in social harms, but also in financial and reputational damage to organizations, and fines and imprisonment for individuals. To avoid these negative outcomes, it is important that your organization’s employees receive training that teaches them to identify and respond appropriately to corrupt activities, and motivates them to personally commit to behaving in an ethical manner.
The Anti-Bribery/Anti-Corruption course covers the following topics:
- Negative effects of bribery and corruption
- Definition of bribery
- Reasons for bribery
- FCPA – Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- UK Bribery Act
- Other bribery laws and regulations
- Fines and penalties
- Entities subject to bribery laws
- Dealing with public officials
- Anything of value
- Gifts & entertainment
- Facilitation payments
- Taking a stand against bribery and corruption